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Labrean Oath

- Do you fully understand, agree by the letter and by spirit, in its entirety, without prejudice, and by your own will the Labrean Manifesto?

- I do

- It is essential to build trust and candor within the community to create a truly safe & liberated zone. Freedom promotes intellectual productivity and trust builds collective behaviour. Do you promise that you will always protect and never do harm to our community. Will you protect the settlement and never turn against us? Do you promise never to act against the common interest of the community once you are accepted?

- I do

Do you agree to abide by the Code of Conduct

- I do

- In order to protect the freedom of expression and build trust in our community;

DO YOU ACCEPT that you will "NEVER" DISCLOSE without the consent of all the participants, any of the conversations that take place at Labredoor's physical and online spaces, and WILL NOT REVEAL "any" personal information about Labreans

(Members of Labredoor).

- I do

Do you accept the heavy consequences if you act in breach of these promises?

- I do, I do, I do

- The oath is taken. You are now certified as a true Labrean with the authorisation of Labredoor Community.

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